Sunday, March 22, 2009

What does it mean when a guy awakes in a state of fear cause he dreamed he was preggo?
is Fascinated by: Disappearing Car Doors: A Revolutionary Concept in Car Technology & Design (

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Man.. stupid driver capabilities, monitor, no help having tech folks, VGA goofy reading right acting CPU not being cool with me.. AAAAHHHH

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sorry for the double-post earlier. I think my cell got carsick too.
Lord help me. My aunts driving is making me so carsick. I'm gonna toss my cookies.
Lord help me. My aunts driving is making me so carsick. I'm gonna toss my cookies.
Lord help me. My aunts driving is making me so carsick. I'm gonna toss my cookies.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

is singing, "bang, bang, bang... skit...skit..#skittles" LOL.. couldn't resist.
I think I had too much cheese.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I wonder if a couple of my classmates want to get their Groove on with me? (
Talk about a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Just happy no jacket is needed.
Cool!!! - Twitter Job Search Engine. (
Social Media Playtime Is Over - Advertising Age - DigitalNext (

Monday, March 16, 2009

Melaluca up $28-million in sales - They will do great this year as well. (

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm impressed at myself. Drowsy, but stayed on task. @Melaleuca_inc vitamins helped me balance today.
Why does it seem like, the more you clean... the more you clean?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dealing with ignorant racism on my yahoo blog. It's a shame it's getting so heated since Obama. smh...
Weekend internet users slows me down to a crawl. *sigh*
RT @wilw Einstein birthday? Oh wow.. He even has his own party pack set

Friday, March 13, 2009

Femoral acetabular impingement (FIA) occurs when the head of the femur does not have full range of motion within the socket. Ouch! Doesn't sound good.
Why am I sitting in ER on Friday 13th? Dis really sucks monkeyballs.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Now I gotta half broken cork floatin in my bottle. Ain't dis bout a.....
Ok.. Who in da hell broke the cork off my E&J XO? It's getting late and time for evening treat before bed. Yall better be happy yall sleep!

Monday, March 9, 2009

How come I can only get sound in my skype app on Kubuntu? Weird. And when I searched for it, it's a common problem. Solutions anyone?
Happy about my install, now reading: Ubuntu Newbie Guide: First 24 Hours With Ubuntu (

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hey @bginx bj mad cause I just made myself burb really loud, and then mina. And he's growlin tryin 2 make it come out. He's pissed off
BigCrumbs has been around for over 2 years and eBay members have earned cash back on millions of dollars in purchases.
"One of this days.. bj.. one of this days.. baaang zooom!"

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Finally got a skype wifi phone. Now I have to watch my 3yr old calling my skype friends. Sorry @cindymcasey if he called ya.
I think I've experienced the daylight saving time too early because I've been waking an hr earlier since Mon.

Friday, March 6, 2009

What a sickly & painful week. I need to make my kids walk on my back.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Focus Tip of the day

"When I learn to juggle personal goals with more basic needs in my home life, I will succeed at making both me and my family proud."

Expanding my home network has been on my mind for about two months now. Sooner or later, I knew I would have to get another computer, but just didn't know which means to go by for just an extra desktop upstairs. Pawn shop? Ebay? I'm not into anything new at the moment.

So, I make good time getting to class today. Trying to get into the swing of things and improving my writing this semester. I go to the café to get some more coffee and maybe a turkey sandwich, and low and behold….

Computer liquidation sale, everything must go!

Yep, DeVry got new computers, extended classrooms, and other network remodeling. Great, I thought, I could at least get a decent CPU to run LinuxOS on for experience and expand my network.

"How much for one of these professor?" (one of the IT instructors is assisting to run the show) and I pointed to the line up on the table. Some of them looked disassembled.

"$10. But these are just for parts." and as I was beginning to get dismayed, and thinking of the experience of working inside a CPU and before completely the thought of, Well it's only 10 buck… he said, "But these models over here at the end are completely build for $50." What? Only $50.. Ok, I'm gonna get one, but he interrupts my thoughts again, "Or you can get 2 for $80" So, thinking rapidly, Oo I could use one for a desktop and one as a file server.. Sold

Comes with no OS, completely cleaned out. After I loaded up the car and went back to class, I was thinking of all the extras I need and what to bid on ebay. Then I went back downstairs, thinking well, I should at least try to find some of the accessories I need.

"I'm back" I announced. "I need accessories, how much are the keyboards?"




"Power cords?"

"You have to go through that box in the back row"

So, I went through it, found 2 power cords, 2 printer cords, 2 monitor cords, and ethernet cable.

"Ok, how much for these cords and cables?"

"Um….I'll give em to ya for $1"

So, I got two keyboards, mouse, and cords for $5.

They didn't give up monitors, but that's ok, I have an extra at home. Plug everything in, start it up, and I my monitor is acting all weird. I bet my son did something to it. It's been in my closet for months. Before I pickup BJ, I better try to find a monitor at the pawn shop. Got a decent Panasonic for $25 and I was good to go.

Get home, hook it up, and the regular "no boot disk…restart with boot disk" warnings came up so I'm ready to roll. I have to find a good LinuxOS. The last thing I want to do is waste money on proprietary software with 2004 CPUs. I'm just happy I have two 80GB of storage to add stuff. Something is wrong with my DVD-Rom drive on my laptop, (BEEEEJAAAY), so I can't create an image CD for Ubuntu or other LinuxOS systems, so I just had to order from Amazon for 1cent and wait. Once I add the OS and the CPUs to my wireless network, I can begin the Twilight Hack for the Wii, then I will be satisfied with my home network.

Then I remember posting a funny comment to Chris Pirillo about "FreeNAS" because I said, "You're gonna have NAS fans thinking he got locked up, and is now free. Ha"
Woohoo! School old CPU and parts sale. Now I can play around the linux world.
Reading: "Facebook Goes After Twitter <--@perrybelcher Recommends"
Zotero: This Firefox Addon will help speed up my research process with my projects. Glad I found it early on. (

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Reading & Agreeing With: There's still hope for gamer movies (

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

That was cool. When I went to it took me to their facebook page. I wonder if that's because of my @yoono is open on facebook?
I finally thru that filthy teddy bear in the wash. But will he notice and freak out on me?
Oh wow. I found my earring on the ground at my sons daycare. Ha. Feel better.
I really hurt my back yesterday. This is what I get for trying to be supermom.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just fine and dandy. Mic check 12 1 2... Hehe
And while I'm checking my email, lets see how's it going from my googletalk
RT Let me see if I experience any weirdness before I'm off to bed.
Only by being adaptable to the demands of the time can the highest good emerge.
This changing weather has really gotten to me. ☼ Rain, cold, snow. 3rd day. Feels like I need 2 more. Boiling water with tea tree oil.