Thursday, June 19, 2008

I can't blink

Well, this will be my last visit to the dentist for a long time. But this time I think he went to far.

It feels like I can't blink my eye and my contact is dry and trying to pop out. This is totally weird.

Well I'm getting it together. I started simpleology again. But this time it will be a lot easier because they added desktop tools that will really help me stay organized while clearing the clutter in my brain.

But what about when I'm mobile like, um, now?

Thankfully, a fellow business associate schooled on Jott. If you wanna find the easiest way to dreamcatch while you making errands you're gonna love Jott! Then when you do your daily Praxis you just copy/paste.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them." -- Albert Einstein

Philena Rush
Home Business Consultant

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